
HarbourSeafloor Mapping have experience in a wide range of survey projects utilising multibeam echosounders, mounted on vessel, ASV, ROV and AUV platforms. Our services range from the installation and operation of the sonar, through data acquisition and processing, to the presentation of final results and reports. See the Equipment and Software pages for details of the systems and applications that we have used.

Some contracts are undertaken on a freelance basis, employed either directly or through agencies such as Precise Consultants.

Recent projects undertaken include:

  • Senior Data Processor for Ocean Infinity AB on 2D/3D UHRS geophysical survey projects.
  • Senior Data Processor for MMT on AUV geophysical survey project.
  • Senior Data Processor/Reports Coordinator for XOCEAN on ASV pipeline inspection survey project.
  • Senior Surveyor for 4D Ocean on nearshore ASV and UAV bathymetric/topographic landfall survey project.
  • Senior Data Processor/Reports Coordinator for 4D Ocean on MCA/UKHO survey project.
  • Hydrographic Technical Lead for MLA College providing teaching and mentoring support to post-graduate students.
  • Client Representative for Nord Stream on ROV pipeline inspection project.