Sub-contracted through NetSurvey to provide BP Exploration (Angola) with a Client Representative onboard the RV Northern Resolution, responsible for multibeam data quality control. The Block 31 Year Two AUV survey project is designed to cover several prospective oil fields that will be exploited by one or more development projects. Results from the geophysical site investigation survey are needed for the assessment of geohazards for drilling development wells, and in support of facilities engineering design. An area of approximately 684 square kilometres was surveyed, with water depths ranging from 1545m to 2600m. The survey was conducted using C&C Technologies AUV C-Surveyor II, equipped with a Kongsberg EM2000 multibeam system, Edgetech sidescan sonar and Chirp sub-bottom profiler. The Caris HIPS and Fledermaus software packages were used for data verification and visualization.