Sub-contracted through NetSurvey to provide Marin Mätteknik AB with specialist multibeam personnel onboard the MV Edda Freya for the Nord Stream Plough Support project. The MV Far Samson is using the world’s largest pipeline plough, PL3, to entrench the pipeline in selected areas across the Baltic. Near real-time surveys are conducted to allow a rapid assessment of the trench profile by pipeline engineers. A Sub-Atlantic Comanche Small Work Class ROV has been fitted with a dual Reson 7125 multibeam system, together with an iXSea PHINS 6000 inertial navigation system. As-trenched surveys were conducted using the QINSy and VisualSoft software packages for data acquisition and processing. Data from the PHINS system was post-processed using iXSea’s Delph INS software, significantly improving the ROV position and attitude solution, enabling very accurate data sets to be produced. Fledermaus was used for data cleaning, surface generation, and visualization.