Contracted by NetSurvey to provide specialist multibeam personnel onboard the ETV Anglian Sovereign. NetSurvey have a long-term contract to perform high-resolution hydrographic surveys for the Maritime Coastguard Agency, as part of the Civil Hydrography Programme. The MCA has a multi-million pound budget every year to survey UK waters on a priority basis, providing data to the UK Hydrographic Office for Admiralty Chart revisions and updates. Survey areas are identified using a risk analysis methodology, where the nature of the marine environment, its use intensity, and survey history are considered. The approaches to Ullapool were last surveyed between 1835 and 1974, and see significant passenger vessel traffic. The vessel is permanently equipped with a dual frequency Reson 7125 multibeam system, and is used to perform hydrographic surveys when she is not involved in her primary intervention role. The HYPACK software package was used for data acquisition, with the processing performed in Caris HIPS and Fledermaus.