Sub-contracted through NetSurvey to provide Sonsub Survey with specialist multibeam personnel onboard the MV Citadel for the BP Azerbaijan Shah Deniz Alpha ROV Multibeam Seabed Surveys project. As part of a long term work programme to enhance the offshore emergency response capabilities at SDA, a permanent seafloor hazard detection system is required to be installed. Prior to installing and operating this system, periodic integrity seabed surveys are required to be performed, analysed and cross-referenced to assess the potential for any gas seepage or pressurised water. The scope of work consisted of a detailed high-resolution bathymetry survey underneath the platform, together with a lower-resolution survey of the wider area. With a Reson 7125-ROV2 multibeam system mounted on the ROV, QINSy was used for data acquisition and initial processing, with Fledermaus used for cleaning, surface generation, and visualization.