Contracted by 4D Ocean to provide a Reports Coordinator for the MCA Inner Sound to Loch Gairloch Survey. Located on the north west coast of Scotland, this survey project is part of the ongoing Civil Hydrography Programme, Lot2, executed by MeriTaito. Whilst SV Kaiku is being utilised for deeper water, two ASVs are performing surveys in the shallower regions. 4D Ocean’s ASV Harry, a SeaRobotics 2.5m unmanned surface vehicle with an integrated Applanix POS MV and R2Sonic 2020 multibeam echosounder is being assisted by an XOCEAN XO-450 4.5m USV, equipped with a Norbit iWBMS multibeam echosounder. QINSy is being utilised for data acquisition, with post-processing performed using Qimera. Upon completion a Report of Survey will be submitted to the UKHO along with the processed data to enable Admiralty Chart revisions.