Contracted by XOCEAN to provide a Senior Data Processor/Report Manager for the BP Northern Endurance Partnership Pipeline Route and Area Survey project.
The Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP) enables Net Zero Teesside and the East Coast Cluster by providing the common infrastructure needed to transport CO2 from emitters in the Humber and Teesside to the Endurance carbon store in the southern North Sea. Endurance is the name of a geological feature (a saline aquifer) which lies approximately 145km offshore from Teesside in the North Sea, which has the capacity to store 450m tonnes of CO2. Other potential stores nearby take potential storage capacity to around 1 billion tonnes.
Bathymetric, Side Scan Sonar, and Sub Bottom Profiler data is required for a high resolution seabed survey covering over 750km2. For such a large scale project a fleet of 4 USVs is required, utilising Norbit Winghead multibeam echosounder systems. QINSy is being utilised for data acquisition, with post-processing performed using Qimera.