Sub-contracted through NetSurvey to provide Marin Mätteknik AB with a Reports Coordinator for the MCA – Natural England Plymouth Sound to Start Point Survey. The 86 square kilometre survey area is a combined project undertaken by the MCA and Natural England, with assistance from the UK Hydrographic Office. Natural England have been working as the Government’s statutory advisor to identify and propose examples of marine habitats around the coast of England for designation as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This area has been identified as one of the best examples of the range and diversity of reefs in the UK for protection under the Habitats Directive. MV Triad and MV Seabeam were used to acquire Kongsberg EM3002 dual-head multibeam data. Caris HIPS and Fledermaus were utilised to verify the data, with a Report of Survey submitted to the UKHO, along with high-resolution FM Geocoder backscatter data and seabed samples to support seabed classification.